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Social commitment is a firm part of Trelleborg Sealing Solutions corporate culture and values.

Through our donation campaign, SmilingFaces, we have been promoting social and sustainable projects for 10 years - locally around Stuttgart, nationally, and globally.


We are committed to education because we believe it is the driving force behind social mobility and equal opportunity, and that everyone should have the right to expand their knowledge and skills.


Sustainability is an integral part of our corporate values, and we support sustainability initiatives to minimize our environmental footprint and make a positive contribution to the environment.


For us, sports are not only physical activity but also a platform for promoting values such as teamwork, endurance and fairness, which form the basis for personal and professional growth.

Smiling Faces

SmilingFaces is our annual fundraising campaign where customers and employees can propose and vote for projects to support non-profit organizations in the areas of education, sustainability and sports.

Each year, customers and employees have the opportunity to propose social projects.

After carefully reviewing all the proposals submitted, our jury selects a number of projects.

Each customer and employee receives 150 Social Coins per year to distribute to as many projects as they wish.

The distribution determines the level of financial support per project. Some projects will be supported for several years to ensure a long-term and sustainable impact.

Our jury reviews all project submissions and selects different projects for the campaign based on spcific criteria.

left to right: Jennifer Ruffler (Regional Finance Director Germany & Central Europe), Carsten Stehle (Global Director Strategic Business Development), Andrea Wichert (Marketing Specialist), Thomas Uhlig (Managing Director & President Global Supply Chain Management)